Real Relationships - Real Talk

It’s A Social Media Affair!!

**It’s not what you think….** Is it a party?  Is it the social event of the year?  Social media is the happening place right?  It’s where we have jewelry parties and go live to share what is going on around us at any given moment in time.  We don’t even have to have people […]

Real Talk - Uncategorized

Do You Know Your “Why”?

What gets you up in the morning? We make decisions every day.  Many times, every day.  Sometimes, it seems like that’s all we do.  Some of those decisions are simple.  What are we having for dinner?  What shoes am I wearing with this outfit?  Do I stop for gas now while I still have a quarter […]

Real Grief - Real Relationships - Real Talk

Female Elephants

Shrek had Donkey….we have our Female Elephants…. I’m all about keeping my circle small.  I’ve been dealt a shitty hand my whole life and I have no desire to purposely bring more crap my way by expanding my inner circle.  However, I’ve learned something in the 8 months since Billy had a […]

Real Grief - Real Talk

Gloria On My Mind

Sometimes, the friends we never make are the ones who lead us where we are meant to be… If you don’t know by now, I have a deeeeeeeep passionate love of flamingos.  I only “know” of one other soul that could rival my love for those bright pink birds….Gloria VanNostrand.  I didn’t […]

Real Relationships - Real Talk - Uncategorized

Smartphones and Dumb People

Technology isn’t always our friend…. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a bajillion times.  It is easier to cheat in this day and age than it ever was in the past.  The invention of the internet, followed by the smart phone, was the downfall of the monogamous relationship.  I know,  I know.  People […]


I’m Baaaaaaack!!!!

Did ya miss me??? Oh, dear reader, I am so sorry I’ve been away so long! The holidays and tax season took entirely too much of my time….way more than I figured. But all this time I have been writing and thinking and plotting, YES plotting!!! I’ve tackled relationship issues, […]

Real Grief

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Surviving The Holidays When Battling Depression, Grief, Anxiety “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light”. — Albus Dumbledore The holidays are some of the worst times to suffer from depression, anxiety or to be fighting the grief monster. […]

Real Talk

Chili Dogs for Thanksgiving, Y’all!

**Did you really think I’d be in this for the turkey??** ***Photo Cred – I got this pic from the Peoria Journal Star’s website…I take no credit for it, but I thank them for letting me borrow it for my post! Oh, and to Charles Schulz for drawing it in […]

Real Reviews


**Note: The pictures you see were taken by me with my cell phone at this concert. They are mine. Don’t copy them and use them without asking me first, or like Liam Neeson, I will look for you, I will find you.** I’m going to be real with you all….I […]

Real Parenting

These Kids Don’t Come With Instructions

*No one said parenting was easy* **Photo Credit to friends on Pinterest…Still learning here, but want to give credit where it goes!** Have kids they said! It will be fun they said!! Whoever “they” is should be flogged. I love my kids. I would give my last breath for my […]

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